
The Integrated Environmental Management Platform

The Echo platform enables aviation companies to not only reduce their environmental impact but also gain a competitive advantage and earn the trust of stakeholders. Our solution is suitable for organisations of all types and sizes.

Monitor your environmental footprint

Quantify environmental impacts of your operations to provide you with high quality data that let's you understand what is going on and what is causing it.

  • Record actual traffic and routings data

  • Perform automated environmental footprint analysis

  • Integrate existing environmental sensors

Screenshot of noise contour visualisation in Echo platform

Achieve environmental targets

Automate your target tracking to stay on course with your environmental targets to get your insights quick and gives you time to act.

  • Analyse your footprints against legal and strategic targets

  • Automated compliance reporting

  • Compliant with best-practices ECAC Doc 29, ICAO Doc 9911, ICAO Doc 9889

Screenshot of noise contour comparison in Echo

Reduce your environmental impacts

Provide the right tools and information to the decision makers giving them the ability to find the best solutions for minimising future environmental impact.

  • Design procedural changes for minimum environmental impact

  • Optimise procedural use based on expected impact

  • Predict impacts of revolutionary technological advancements

Screenshot of design features in Echo

Engage with stakeholders

Give stakeholders access to the right information in the way that suits them best.

  • Assess local impacts such as annoyance and sleep disturbance

  • Share data on operations and environmental impacts with your community

Screenshot of Echo stakeholder engagement

Ready to start?